Pinkcocoa's first try at wild games! - Cumin Guinea Fowl
Hello everyone, sorry for the lack of post recently. I have been busy preparing job applications and the lengthy job application processes are getting a tad too frustrating. Gosh, I never know jobhunting can be so tiring and exhausting! I am feeling all the energy is slowly draining out of me these few weeks. However, I do miss foodblogging. I have been thinking about it ever since my last update especially when I still have to post about Sydney Royal Easter Show! So guys, be patient, the posts and pics will come soon, er, I hope. *fingers crossed*
Now, if you remember I have actually bought my first ever wild games in my life at the Pyrmont Market in March. Oh yes, I am trying to expand my culinary taste and skills here. You can say I am a little adventurous but I guess coming from a Chinese background, it's not exactly too hard to accept wild games like guinea fowls. I have had goose (yummm), deer meat (yummmmmm), and apparently I also had frogs without knowing it was frogs! I thought the frog dishes were chicken because in Taiwan, they called frog, the chicken of the rice field (tian ji). Er, cant think of any other weird stuff that I had eaten at the moment. Oh, perhaps ants during my visit to China donkey years ago.

♥ Cumin Guinea Fowl
Anyhow, let's get back to the main topic. The nice old lady had given me a few recipes on how to cook the guine fowls and I picked one that seems the easiest to cook. It had turned out rather nice, and very much like a curry.
So read on for the recipe!

♥ Cumin Guinea Fowl & Side Dishes
The cumin gives an Indian touch to the guinea fowl so I decided to serve the fowl with some stir-fry cabbage with a little bit of turmeric powder added to it. Then I did a quick tomato scramble egg with a little paprika added to the egg mixture.
♥ Cumin Guinea Fowl
1kg Guinea Fowl Maryland
Juice of 1 lemon (I used lime)
30g plain flour
1/2tsp salt
1tsp cayenne pepper
30g ghee or butter (I used veg oil)
1 onion, finely chopped
1 clove crushed garlic
2.5c piece of fresh ginger, finely grated
1tsp cumin seed (I used ground cumin)
1/2C cream (I used evaporated milk)
1/2C natural yogurt
strips of lemon rind pared very finely
- Brush the guinea fowl with lemon juice and set aside for 15 minutes.
- Mix flour, salt and cayenne.
- Drain lemon juice from guinea fowl pieces and dry before dusting with the flour.
- Melt ghee or butter in a heavy frying pan over a medium heat. Lightly brown guinea fowl on all sides and remove.
- Add onion, garlic, ginger and cumin seeds to the pan and cook until the onion is transparent.
- Add cream, yogurt and lemon rind.
- Return guinea fowl to the pan, turning pieces in the sauce until they are coated. Cover and simmer gently for 40 mintue or until the guinea fowl is tender.
- Lift the guinea fowl from the sauce, arrange on a platter of heated rice. Increase the heat and reduce the sauce by boiling for a few minutes. Season if required.
- Pour the sauce over the guinea fowl and garnish with lemon twists.

♥ Cucumber Tomato Raita
I also served the cumin guinea fowl with cucumber tomato raita since the cumin and the paprika add a touch of Indian-like curry taste to dishes. Cucumber raita is perhaps the most common raita served with a curry dish in India.
What I did was rub some salt into diced/cubed cucumber and leave it for about 15 minutes. The salt will draw the water out of the cucumber, else the high water content of cucumber will make the yogurt very watery. After 15 minutes, squeeze the cucumber to extract more juice. Discard all juice. Wash the cucumber and squeeze lightly and drain. I did the same with the tomato but I removed the seeds first before doing the salt-rubbing stage. Add the cucumber& tomato along with a pinch of salt to some natural yogurt. Mix and voila~ Easy instant cucumber raita, the perfect soothing companion to hot Indian curry!
So how did the fowl taste like? The meat is slightly reddish in colour and is a little chewier then chicken yet it is quite tender and smooth. I dont think I would describe it as succulent. Oh it does have a texture with a slight resemble to turkey but it's so much smooth and softer and tender than turkey. *yikes* I am sorry about my horrible description of the guinea fowl. I guess my brain isn't working that well after quite a few exhausting weeks.
♥ pinkcocoa tabete @ Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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